Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pySAP - Copyright (C) CEA, 2017 - 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

A module that privides the utility functions to download toy datasets.

# System import
import os
import sys
import copy
from urllib.request import FancyURLopener
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.request import urlparse
from urllib.request import HTTPError
import urllib
import time
import shutil
import numpy

import hashlib

# Package import
import pysap
from pysap.base.exceptions import Exception

# Global parameters
    "dict-learn-dataset": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": "4fa7669901cfeef410429be8640b594a"
    "3d-pmri": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": "e4ac268fde0226c6fdcf2e9b62b240f0",
        "dtype": numpy.complex_
    "2d-pmri": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None,
    "mri-radial-3d-samples": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": "0324b15ed8368e20fe7315281f31b6e6",
        "image_field": "samples"
    "mri-radial-samples": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None,
    "mri-nifti": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": "9617b36e5510a4783038c63241da21d4"
    "mri-slice-nifti": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": "19983e6003ae94487d03131f4bacae2e"
    "2d-mri": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
    "cartesian-mri-mask": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
    "mri-mask": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": "078760d89e737e69b5578d47e368c42f"
    "2d-poisson-disk-mask": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
    "astro-fits": {
        "url": "",
        "md5sum": None
    "astro-mask": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": "8d7fd9b4d7c2aaf407fa1331860a130f"
    "astro-galaxy": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
    "astro-psf": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
    "astro-ngc2997": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
    "multiresolution": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
    "eels-gst-2d-etomo": {
        "url": (""
        "md5sum": None
DATADIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".local", "share", "pysap")
PACKAGEDIR = os.path.dirname(pysap.__file__)

[docs]def get_sample_data(dataset_name, datadir=DATADIR, verbose=1): """ Get a sample dataset. This function download the requested dataset in the '$HOME/.local/share/pysap' directory. Parameters ---------- dataset_name: str which sample data you want, must be defined in the 'SAMPLE_DATA_FILES' dictionary. verbose: int (optional, default 1) control the verbosity level. Returns ------- image: Image the loaded dataset. """ # First get the data url dataset = copy.deepcopy(SAMPLE_DATA_FILES.get(dataset_name)) if dataset is None: raise Exception("No '{0}' sample data available - allowed sample data " "are {1}.".format(dataset_name, SAMPLE_DATA_FILES.keys())) # Get the resource on the web or on the local machine dataset["url"] = dataset["url"].format(**{"PYSAP": PACKAGEDIR}) if os.path.isfile(dataset["url"]): path = copy_file(dataset["url"], data_dir=DATADIR, overwrite=False, verbose=verbose) else: path = download_file(dataset["url"], data_dir=DATADIR, resume=True, overwrite=False, verbose=verbose) # md5 check sum if dataset["md5sum"] is not None: if (md5_sum_file(path) != dataset["md5sum"]): raise Exception("File '{0}' checksum verification has " "failed.".format(path)) # Load the dataset for key in ("url", "md5sum"): dataset.pop(key) image =, **dataset) return image
[docs]def md5_sum_file(fname): """ Calculates the MD5 sum of a file. Parameters ---------- fname: str (mandatory) the path to a file Returns ------- md5: int the md5 sum of the input file """ f = open(fname, 'rb') m = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if not data: break m.update(data) return m.hexdigest()
[docs]def progress_bar(ratio, title, bar_length=20, maxsize=40): """ Generate a progress bar Parameters ---------- ratio: float (mandatory) the progress status (0<=ratio<1) fname: str (optional) the name of the file beeing dowloaded bar_length: int (optional) the size of the progress bar maxsize: int (optional) use to justify title. """ progress = int(ratio * 100.) block = int(round(bar_length * ratio)) title = title.ljust(maxsize, " ") text = "\r[{0}] {1}% {2}".format( "=" * block + " " * (bar_length - block), progress, title) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]class ResumeURLOpener(FancyURLopener): """Create sub-class in order to overide error 206. This error means a partial file is being sent, which is fine in this case. Do nothing with this error. Note: This was adapted from: """ def __init__(self): super(FancyURLopener, self).__init__()
[docs] def http_error_206(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers, data=None): pass
[docs]def download_file(url, data_dir, resume=True, overwrite=False, verbose=0): """ Load requested file if needed or requested. Parameters ---------- url: str the url of the file to be downloaded. data_dir: str path of the data directory. resume: bool (optional, default True) if True, try to resume partially downloaded files overwrite: bool (optional, default False) if True and file already exists, delete it. verbose: int (optional, default 0) control the verbosity level. Returns ------- str absolute path to the downloaded file. Notes ----- If, for any reason, the download procedure fails, all downloaded files are removed. """ # Create the download directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir) # Determine filename using URL parse = urlparse(url) fname = os.path.basename(parse.path) # Generate the download file name download_fname = os.path.join(data_dir, fname) # Generate a temporary file for the download temp_fname = os.path.join(data_dir, fname + ".part") # If the file is already created remove it if the overwrite option is set # or return the file if os.path.exists(download_fname): if overwrite: os.remove(download_fname) else: return download_fname # If the temporary file is already created remove it if the overwrite # option is set if os.path.exists(temp_fname): if overwrite: os.remove(temp_fname) # Start a timer to evaluate the download time t0 = time.time() # Test if the dataset has been released try: urlopen(url) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( "The '{0}' dataset has not been released yet.".format(url) ) from exc # Start downloading dataset local_file = None bytes_so_far = 0 try: # Prepare the download if verbose > 0: print("Downloading data from {0}...".format(url)) # Case 1: continue the downloading from an existing temporary file if resume and os.path.exists(temp_fname): url_opener = ResumeURLOpener() # Download has been interrupted, we try to resume it. local_file_size = os.path.getsize(temp_fname) # If the file exists, then only download the remainder url_opener.addheader("Range", "bytes={0}-".format(local_file_size)) try: data = except HTTPError: # There is a problem that may be due to resuming # Restart the downloading from scratch return download_file(url, data_dir, resume=False, overwrite=False) local_file = open(temp_fname, "ab") bytes_so_far = local_file_size # Case 2: just download the file else: data = urlopen(url) local_file = open(temp_fname, "wb") # Get the total file size try: total_size ="Content-Length")[0].strip() total_size = int(total_size) + bytes_so_far except Exception as e: if verbose > 0: print("Total size could not be determined.") total_size = "?" # Download data chunk_size = 8192 while True: # Read chunk chunk = # Stoping criterion if not chunk: break # Write to local file bytes_so_far += len(chunk) local_file.write(chunk) # Write report status and print a progress bar if isinstance(total_size, int): ratio = float(bytes_so_far) / float(total_size) else: ratio = 0 progress_bar(ratio, title=os.path.basename(url)) print() # Temporary file must be closed prior to the move if not local_file.closed: local_file.close() shutil.move(temp_fname, download_fname) # Get process duration and print it dt = time.time() - t0 exit_message = ("Download was done in {0} minutes, {1: .2f} " "seconds").format(int(numpy.floor(dt / 60)), dt % 60) if verbose > 0: print(exit_message) except HTTPError as e: raise Exception("{0}\nError while downloading file '{1}'. " "Dataset download aborted.".format(e, fname)) finally: # Temporary file must be closed if local_file is not None: if not local_file.closed: local_file.close() return download_fname
[docs]def copy_file(path, data_dir, overwrite=False, verbose=0): """ Copy the requested file if needed or requested. Parameters ---------- path: str the path to the file to be downloaded. data_dir: str path of the data directory. overwrite: bool (optional, default False) if True and file already exists, delete it. verbose: int (optional, default 0) control the verbosity level. Returns ------- copy_file: str absolute path to the copied file. """ # Create the download directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir) # Generate the download file name copy_fname = os.path.join(data_dir, os.path.basename(path)) # If the file is already created remove it if the overwrite option is set # or return the file if os.path.exists(copy_fname): if overwrite: os.remove(copy_fname) else: return copy_fname # Start a timer to evaluate the copy time t0 = time.time() # Start copying dataset print("Copying data from {0}...".format(path)) shutil.copy2(path, copy_fname) # Get process duration and print it dt = time.time() - t0 exit_message = ("Copy was done in {0} minutes, {1: .2f} " "seconds").format(int(numpy.floor(dt / 60)), dt % 60) if verbose > 0: print(exit_message) return copy_fname