

PySAP will automatically install all of the required Python dependencies, however issues may arise on some operating systems. If you encounter any problems please ensure that you have all of the listed dependencies installed before opening a new issue.


All of the required dependencies can also be installed using the Conda environment provided.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate pysap

PySAP requires the following dependencies in order to install and run correctly.

  1. A C/C++ compiler that supports OpenMP

  2. CMake [>=3.0]

  3. The latest version of ModOpt

  4. The following third-party Python packages:

    • astropy [>=4.1]

    • matplotlib [>=3.3.4]

    • nibabel [>=3.2.1]

    • numpy [>=1.19.5]

    • scipy [>=1.5.4]

    • scikit-learn [>=0.24.1]

    • progressbar2 [>=3.53.1]

    • pybind11 [==2.6.2]

    • pyqt5 [==5.15.4]

    • pyqtgraph [>=0.11.1]

    • PyWavelets [>=1.1.1]