# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pySAP - Copyright (C) CEA, 2017 - 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html
# for details.
This module contains tools to extract sensitivity maps from undersampled MR
acquisition with high density in the k space center.
import warnings
# Package import
from mri.operators import NonCartesianFFT
from mri.operators.utils import gridded_inverse_fourier_transform_nd, \
# Third party import
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as pfft
[docs]def extract_k_space_center_and_locations(data_values, samples_locations,
thr=None, img_shape=None, window_fun=None,
is_fft=False, density_comp=None):
This class extract the k space center for a given threshold and extracts
the corresponding sampling locations
data_values: numpy.ndarray
The value of the samples
samples_locations: numpy.ndarray
The samples location in the k-sapec domain (between [-0.5, 0.5[)
thr: tuple or float
The threshold used to extract the k_space center
img_shape: tuple
The image shape to estimate the cartesian density
is_fft: bool default False
Checks if the incoming data is from FFT, in which case, masking
can be done more directly
density_comp: numpy.ndarray default None
The density compensation for kspace data in case it exists and we
use density compensated adjoint for Smap estimation
window_fun: "Hann", "Hanning", "Hamming", or a callable, default None.
The window function to apply to the selected data. It is computed with
the center locations selected. Only works with circular mask.
If window_fun is a callable, it takes as input the array (n_samples x n_dims)
of sample positions and returns an array of n_samples weights to be
applied to the selected k-space values, before the smaps estimation.
The extracted center of the k-space, i.e. both the kspace locations and
kspace values. If the density compensators are passed, the corresponding
compensators for the center of k-space data will also be returned. The
return stypes for density compensation and kspace data is same as input
The Hann (or Hanning) and Hamming windows of width :math:`2\theta` are defined as:
.. math::
w(x,y) = a_0 - (1-a_0) * \cos(\pi * \sqrt{x^2+y^2}/\theta),
\sqrt{x^2+y^2} \le \theta
In the case of Hann window :math:`a_0=0.5`.
For Hamming window we consider the optimal value in the equiripple sense:
.. Wikipedia:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_function#Hann_and_Hamming_windows
if thr is None:
if img_shape is None:
raise ValueError('target image cartesian image shape must be fill')
raise NotImplementedError
if data_values.ndim > 2:
warnings.warn('Data Values seem to have rank '
+ str(data_values.ndim) +
' (>2). Using is_fft for now.')
is_fft = True
if is_fft:
img_shape = np.asarray(data_values[0].shape)
mask = convert_locations_to_mask(samples_locations, img_shape)
indices = np.where(np.reshape(mask, mask.size))[0]
data_ordered = np.asarray([
np.reshape(data_values[channel], mask.size)[indices]
for channel in range(data_values.shape[0])])
data_ordered = np.copy(data_values)
if window_fun is None:
if isinstance(thr, float):
thr = (thr,) * samples_locations.shape[1]
condition = np.logical_and.reduce(
tuple(np.abs(samples_locations[:, i]) <= thr[i]
for i in range(len(thr))))
elif isinstance(thr, float):
condition = np.sum(np.square(samples_locations), axis=1) <= thr**2
raise ValueError("threshold type is not supported with select window")
index = np.linspace(0, samples_locations.shape[0] - 1,
samples_locations.shape[0], dtype=np.int64)
index = np.extract(condition, index)
center_locations = samples_locations[index, :]
data_thresholded = data_ordered[:, index]
if window_fun is not None:
if callable(window_fun):
window = window_fun(center_locations)
if window_fun == "Hann" or window_fun == "Hanning":
a_0 = 0.5
elif window_fun == "Hamming":
a_0 = 0.53836
raise ValueError("Unsupported window function.")
radius = np.linalg.norm(center_locations, axis=1)
window = a_0 + (1 - a_0) * np.cos(np.pi * radius / thr)
data_thresholded = window * data_thresholded
if density_comp is not None:
density_comp = density_comp[index]
return data_thresholded, center_locations, density_comp
return data_thresholded, center_locations
[docs]def get_Smaps(k_space, img_shape, samples, thresh,
min_samples, max_samples, mode='NFFT',
density_comp=None, n_cpu=1,
Get Smaps for from pMRI sample data.
Estimate the sensitivity maps information from parallel mri
acquisition and for variable density sampling scheme where the k-space
center had been heavily sampled.
Reference : Self-Calibrating Nonlinear Reconstruction Algorithms for
Variable Density Sampling and Parallel Reception MRI
k_space: numpy.ndarray
The acquired kspace of shape (M,L), where M is the number of samples
acquired and L is the number of coils used
img_shape: tuple
The final output shape of Sensitivity Maps.
samples: numpy.ndarray
The sample locations where the above k_space data was acquired
thresh: tuple
The value of threshold in kspace for thresholding k-space center
min_samples: tuple
The minimum values in k-space where gridding must be done
max_samples: tuple
The maximum values in k-space where gridding must be done
mode: string 'FFT' | 'NFFT' | 'gridding' , default='NFFT'
Defines the mode in which we would want to interpolate,
NOTE: FFT should be considered only if the input has
been sampled on the grid
method: string 'linear' | 'cubic' | 'nearest', default='linear'
For gridding mode, it defines the way interpolation must be done
window_fun: "Hann", "Hanning", "Hamming", or a callable, default None.
The window function to apply to the selected data. It is computed with
the center locations selected. Only works with circular mask.
If window_fun is a callable, it takes as input the n_samples x n_dims
of samples position and would return an array of n_samples weight to be
applied to the selected k-space values, before the smaps estimation.
density_comp: numpy.ndarray default None
The density compensation for kspace data in case it exists and we
use density compensated adjoint for Smap estimation
n_cpu: int default=1
Number of parallel jobs in case of parallel MRI
fourier_op_kwargs: dict, default {}
The keyword arguments given to fourier_op initialization if
mode == 'NFFT'. If None, we choose implementation of fourier op to
'gpuNUFFT' if library is installed.
Smaps: numpy.ndarray
the estimated sensitivity maps of shape (img_shape, L) with L the
number of channels
SOS: numpy.ndarray
The sum of Square used to extract the sensitivity maps
The Hann (or Hanning) and Hamming window of width :math:`2\theta` are defined as:
.. math::
w(x,y) = a_0 - (1-a_0) * \cos(\pi * \sqrt{x^2+y^2}/\theta),
\sqrt{x^2+y^2} \le \theta
In the case of Hann window :math:`a_0=0.5`.
For Hamming window we consider the optimal value in the equiripple sens:
.. Wikipedia:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_function#Hann_and_Hamming_windows
if len(min_samples) != len(img_shape) \
or len(max_samples) != len(img_shape):
raise NameError('The img_shape, max_samples, and '
'min_samples must be of same length')
k_space, samples, *density_comp = \
is_fft=mode == 'FFT',
if density_comp:
density_comp = density_comp[0]
density_comp = None
if samples is None:
mode = 'FFT'
L, M = k_space.shape
Smaps_shape = (L, *img_shape)
Smaps = np.zeros(Smaps_shape).astype('complex128')
if mode == 'FFT':
if not M == img_shape[0]*img_shape[1]:
raise ValueError(['The number of samples in the k-space must be',
'equal to the (image size, the number of coils)'
k_space = k_space.reshape(Smaps_shape)
for l in range(Smaps_shape[2]):
Smaps[l] = pfft.ifftshift(pfft.ifft2(pfft.fftshift(k_space[l])))
elif mode == 'NFFT':
fourier_op = NonCartesianFFT(
Smaps = fourier_op.adj_op(np.ascontiguousarray(k_space))
elif mode == 'gridding':
grid_space = [np.linspace(min_samples[i],
for i in np.arange(np.size(img_shape))]
grid = np.meshgrid(*grid_space)
Smaps = \
Parallel(n_jobs=n_cpu, verbose=1, mmap_mode='r+')(
for l in range(L)
Smaps = np.asarray(Smaps)
raise ValueError('Bad smap_extract_mode chosen! '
'Please choose between : '
'`FFT` | `NFFT` | `gridding` | `Stack`')
SOS = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(Smaps)**2, axis=0))
for r in range(L):
Smaps[r] /= SOS
return Smaps, SOS