Source code for mri.optimizers.primal_dual

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pySAP - Copyright (C) CEA, 2017 - 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
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"""This module defines primal dual optimizers."""

# System import
import time

# Package import
from .utils.reweight import mReweight

# Third party import
import numpy as np
from modopt.math.stats import sigma_mad
from modopt.opt.linear import Identity
from modopt.opt.algorithms import Condat
from modopt.opt.reweight import cwbReweight

[docs]def condatvu(gradient_op, linear_op, dual_regularizer, cost_op, kspace_generator=None, estimate_call_period=None, max_nb_of_iter=150, tau=None, sigma=None, relaxation_factor=1.0, x_init=None, std_est=None, std_est_method=None, std_thr=2., nb_of_reweights=1, metric_call_period=5, metrics={}, verbose=0): """Condat-Vu sparse reconstruction with reweightings. Parameters ---------- gradient_op: instance of class GradBase the gradient operator. linear_op: instance of LinearBase the linear operator: seek the sparsity, ie. a wavelet transform. dual_regularizer: instance of ProximityParent the dual regularization operator cost_op: instance of costObj the cost function used to check for convergence during the optimization. kspace_generator: instance of class BaseKspaceGenerator, default None If not None, run the algorithm in an online way, where the data is updated between iterations. estimate_call_period: int, default None In an online configuration (kspace_generator is defined), retrieve partial results at this interval. max_nb_of_iter: int, default 150 the maximum number of iterations in the Condat-Vu proximal-dual splitting algorithm. tau, sigma: float, default None parameters of the Condat-Vu proximal-dual splitting algorithm. If None estimates these parameters. relaxation_factor: float, default 0.5 parameter of the Condat-Vu proximal-dual splitting algorithm. If 1, no relaxation. x_init: numpy.ndarray (optional, default None) the initial guess of image std_est: float, default None the noise std estimate. If None use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the std. std_est_method: str, default None if the standard deviation is not set, estimate this parameter using the mad routine in the image ('primal') or in the sparse wavelet decomposition ('dual') domain. std_thr: float, default 2. use this treshold expressed as a number of sigma in the residual proximity operator during the thresholding. relaxation_factor: float, default 0.5 parameter of the Condat-Vu proximal-dual splitting algorithm. If 1, no relaxation. nb_of_reweights: int, default 1 the number of reweightings. metric_call_period: int (default 5) the period on which the metrics are compute. metrics: dict (optional, default None) the list of desired convergence metrics: {'metric_name': [@metric, metric_parameter]}. See modopt for the metrics API. verbose: int, default 0 the verbosity level. Returns ------- x_final: numpy.ndarray the estimated CONDAT-VU solution. costs: list of float the cost function values. metrics: dict the requested metrics values during the optimization. y_final: numpy.ndarray the estimated dual CONDAT-VU solution """ # Check inputs start = time.perf_counter() if std_est_method not in (None, "primal", "dual"): raise ValueError( "Unrecognize std estimation method '{0}'.".format(std_est_method)) # Define the initial primal and dual solutions if x_init is None: x_init = np.squeeze(np.zeros((linear_op.n_coils, *gradient_op.fourier_op.shape), dtype=np.complex64)) primal = x_init dual = linear_op.op(primal) weights = dual # Define the weights used during the thresholding in the dual domain, # the reweighting strategy, and the prox dual operator # Case1: estimate the noise std in the image domain if std_est_method == "primal": if std_est is None: std_est = sigma_mad(gradient_op.MtX(gradient_op.obs_data)) weights[...] = std_thr * std_est reweight_op = cwbReweight(weights) dual_regularizer.weights = reweight_op.weights # Case2: estimate the noise std in the sparse wavelet domain elif std_est_method == "dual": if std_est is None: std_est = 0.0 weights[...] = std_thr * std_est reweight_op = mReweight(weights, linear_op, thresh_factor=std_thr) dual_regularizer.weights = reweight_op.weights # Case3: manual regularization mode, no reweighting else: reweight_op = None nb_of_reweights = 0 # Define the Condat Vu optimizer: define the tau and sigma in the # Condat-Vu proximal-dual splitting algorithm if not already provided. # Check also that the combination of values will lead to convergence. norm = linear_op.l2norm(x_init.shape) lipschitz_cst = gradient_op.spec_rad if sigma is None: sigma = 0.5 if tau is None: # to avoid numerics troubles with the convergence bound eps = 1.0e-8 # due to the convergence bound tau = 1.0 / (lipschitz_cst/2 + sigma * norm**2 + eps) convergence_test = ( 1.0 / tau - sigma * norm ** 2 >= lipschitz_cst / 2.0) # Welcome message if verbose > 0: print(" - mu: ", dual_regularizer.weights) print(" - lipschitz constant: ", gradient_op.spec_rad) print(" - tau: ", tau) print(" - sigma: ", sigma) print(" - rho: ", relaxation_factor) print(" - std: ", std_est) print(" - 1/tau - sigma||L||^2 >= beta/2: ", convergence_test) print(" - data: ", gradient_op.fourier_op.shape) if hasattr(linear_op, "nb_scale"): print(" - wavelet: ", linear_op, "-", linear_op.nb_scale) print(" - max iterations: ", max_nb_of_iter) print(" - number of reweights: ", nb_of_reweights) print(" - primal variable shape: ", primal.shape) print(" - dual variable shape: ", dual.shape) print("-" * 40) prox_op = Identity() # Define the optimizer opt = Condat( x=primal, y=dual, grad=gradient_op, prox=prox_op, prox_dual=dual_regularizer, linear=linear_op, cost=cost_op, rho=relaxation_factor, sigma=sigma, tau=tau, rho_update=None, sigma_update=None, tau_update=None, auto_iterate=False, metric_call_period=metric_call_period, metrics=metrics) cost_op = opt._cost_func # Perform the first reconstruction if verbose > 0: print("Starting optimization...") if kspace_generator is None: opt.iterate(max_iter=max_nb_of_iter) else: kspace_generator.opt_iterate(opt, estimate_call_period=estimate_call_period) # Loop through the number of reweightings for reweight_index in range(nb_of_reweights): # Generate the new weights following reweighting prescription if std_est_method == "primal": reweight_op.reweight(linear_op.op(opt._x_new)) else: std_est = reweight_op.reweight(opt._x_new) # Welcome message if verbose > 0: print(" - reweight: ", reweight_index + 1) print(" - std: ", std_est) # Update the weights in the dual proximity operator dual_regularizer.weights = reweight_op.weights # Perform optimisation with new weights if kspace_generator is None: opt.iterate(max_iter=max_nb_of_iter) else: kspace_generator.reset() kspace_generator.opt_iterate(max_iter=max_nb_of_iter) # Goodbye message end = time.perf_counter() if verbose > 0: if hasattr(cost_op, "cost"): print(" - final iteration number: ", cost_op._iteration) print(" - final cost value: ", cost_op.cost) print(" - converged: ", opt.converge) print("Done.") print("Execution time: ", end - start, " seconds") print("-" * 40) # Get the final solution x_final = opt._x_new y_final = opt._y_new if hasattr(cost_op, "cost"): costs = cost_op._cost_list else: costs = None return x_final, costs, opt.metrics, y_final