Source code for mri.operators.fourier.utils.processing

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Common tools for MRI image reconstruction.
# System import
import warnings

# Third party import
import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as pfft
from scipy.interpolate import griddata, RegularGridInterpolator

from mrinufft import get_density

[docs]def convert_mask_to_locations(mask): """Return the converted Cartesian mask as sampling locations. Parameters ---------- mask: numpy.ndarray, {0,1} ND matrix, not necessarly a square matrix. Returns ------- samples_locations: numpy.ndarray samples location between [-0.5, 0.5[ of shape MxN where M is the number of 1 values in the mask. """ locations = np.where(mask == 1) rslt = [] for dim, loc in enumerate(locations): loc_n = loc.astype("float") / mask.shape[dim] - 0.5 rslt.append(loc_n) return np.asarray(rslt).T
[docs]def convert_locations_to_mask(samples_locations, img_shape): """Return the converted the sampling locations as Cartesian mask. Parameters ---------- samples_locations: numpy.ndarray samples locations between [-0.5, 0.5[. img_shape: tuple of int shape of the desired mask, not necessarly a square matrix. Returns ------- mask: numpy.ndarray, {0,1} 2D matrix, not necessarly a square matrix. """ if samples_locations.shape[-1] != len(img_shape): raise ValueError("Samples locations dimension doesn't correspond to ", "the dimension of the image shape") locations = np.copy(samples_locations).astype("float") locations += 0.5 locations = np.clip(locations, 0, 0.999) locations *= img_shape locations = locations.astype("int") mask = np.zeros(img_shape, dtype="int") mask[tuple(locations.T)] = 1 return mask
[docs]def normalize_frequency_locations(samples, Kmax=None): """ This function normalizes the sample locations between [-0.5; 0.5[ for the non-Cartesian case. Parameters ---------- samples: numpy.ndarray Unnormalized samples Kmax: int, float, array-like or None Maximum Frequency of the samples locations is supposed to be equal to base Resolution / (2* Field of View) Returns ------- normalized_samples: numpy.ndarray Same shape as the parameters but with values between [-0.5; 0.5[ """ samples_locations = np.copy(samples.astype('float')) if Kmax is None: Kmax = np.abs(samples_locations).max(axis=0) elif isinstance(Kmax, (float, int)): Kmax = [Kmax] * samples_locations.shape[-1] Kmax = np.array(Kmax) samples_locations /= (2 * Kmax) if np.abs(samples_locations).max() >= 0.5: warnings.warn("Frequencies outside the 0.5 limit.") return samples_locations
[docs]def discard_frequency_outliers(kspace_loc, kspace_data): """ This function discards the samples outside [-0.5; 0.5[ for the non-Cartesian case. Parameters ---------- kspace_loc: numpy.ndarray The sample locations previously normalized around [-0.5; 0.5[ using Kmax. kspace_data: numpy.ndarray The samples corresponding to kspace_loc defined above. Returns ------- reduced_kspace_loc: numpy.ndarray The sample locations reduced strictly to [-0.5; 0.5[ by discarding outliers. reduced_kspace_data: numpy.ndarray The samples corresponding to reduced_kspace_loc defined above. """ kspace_mask = np.all((kspace_loc < 0.5) & (kspace_loc >= -0.5), axis=-1) kspace_loc = kspace_loc[kspace_mask] kspace_data = kspace_data[:, kspace_mask] return np.ascontiguousarray(kspace_loc), np.ascontiguousarray(kspace_data)
[docs]def gridded_inverse_fourier_transform_nd(kspace_loc, kspace_data, grid, method): """ This function calculates the gridded Inverse fourier transform from Interpolated non-Cartesian data into a cartesian grid Parameters ---------- kspace_loc: numpy.ndarray The N-D k_space locations of size [M, N] kspace_data: numpy.ndarray The k-space data corresponding to k-space_loc above grid: numpy.ndarray The Gridded matrix for which you want to calculate k_space Smaps method: {'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'} Method of interpolation for more details see scipy.interpolate.griddata documentation Returns ------- np.ndarray The gridded inverse fourier transform of given kspace data """ gridded_kspace = griddata(kspace_loc, kspace_data, grid, method=method, fill_value=0) return np.swapaxes(pfft.fftshift( pfft.ifftn(pfft.ifftshift(gridded_kspace))), 1, 0)
[docs]def gridded_inverse_fourier_transform_stack(kspace_data_sorted, kspace_plane_loc, idx_mask_z, grid, volume_shape, method): """ This function calculates the gridded Inverse fourier transform from Interpolated non-Cartesian data into a cartesian grid. However, the IFFT is done similar to Stacked Fourier transform. We expect the kspace data to be limited to a grid on z, we calculate the inverse fourier transform by- 1) Grid data in each plane (for all points in a plane) 2) Interpolate data along z, if we have undersampled data along z 3) Apply an IFFT on the 3D data that was gridded and interpolated in z. Parameters ---------- kspace_data_sorted: numpy.ndarray The sorted k-space data corresponding to kspace_plane_loc above kspace_plane_loc: numpy.ndarray The N-D k_space locations of size [M, N]. These hold locations only in plane, extracted using get_stacks_fourier function idx_mask_z: numpy.ndarray contains the indices of the acquired Fourier plane. Extracted using get_stacks_fourier function grid: tuple The Gridded matrix for which you want to calculate k_space Smaps. Should be given as a tuple of ndarray volume_shape: tuple Reconstructed volume shape method: {'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'}, optional Method of interpolation for more details see scipy.interpolate.griddata documentation Returns ------- np.ndarray The gridded inverse fourier transform of given kspace data """ gridded_kspace = np.zeros(volume_shape, dtype=kspace_data_sorted.dtype) stack_len = len(kspace_plane_loc) for i, idx_z in enumerate(idx_mask_z): gridded_kspace[:, :, idx_z] = griddata( kspace_plane_loc, kspace_data_sorted[i*stack_len:(i+1)*stack_len], grid, method=method, fill_value=0, ) # Check if we have undersampled in Z direction, in which case, # we need to interpolate values along z to get a good reconstruction. if len(idx_mask_z) < volume_shape[2]: # Interpolate along z direction grid_loc = [ np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, volume_shape[i], endpoint=False) for i in range(3) ] interp_z = RegularGridInterpolator( (*grid_loc[0:2], grid_loc[2][idx_mask_z]), gridded_kspace[:, :, idx_mask_z], bounds_error=False, fill_value=None, ) unsampled_z = list( set(np.arange(volume_shape[2])) - set(idx_mask_z) ) mask = np.zeros(volume_shape) mask[:, :, unsampled_z] = 1 loc = convert_mask_to_locations(mask) gridded_kspace[:, :, unsampled_z] = np.reshape( interp_z(loc), (*volume_shape[0:2], len(unsampled_z)), ) # Transpose every image in each slice return np.swapaxes(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift( gridded_kspace))), 0, 1)
[docs]def check_if_fourier_op_uses_sense(fourier_op): """Utils function to check if fourier operator uses SENSE recon Parameters ---------- fourier_op: object of class FFT, NonCartesianFFT or Stacked3DNFFT in mri.operators the fourier operator for which we want to check if SENSE is supported Returns ------- bool True if SENSE recon is being used """ from ..non_cartesian import NonCartesianFFT if isinstance(fourier_op, NonCartesianFFT): return fourier_op.impl.uses_sense else: return False
[docs]def estimate_density_compensation(kspace_loc, volume_shape, implementation='pipe', **kwargs): """ Utils function to obtain the density compensator for a given set of kspace locations. Parameters ---------- kspace_loc: numpy.ndarray the kspace locations volume_shape: numpy.ndarray the volume shape implementation: str default 'pipe' the implementation of the non-cartesian operator can be 'pipe' which needs gpuNUFFT or 'cell_count' kwargs: dict extra keyword arguments to be passed to the density compensation estimation """ density_comp = get_density(implementation)( kspace_loc, volume_shape, **kwargs ) return np.squeeze(density_comp)