Source code for etomo.reconstructors.forwardtomo

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# pySAP - Copyright (C) CEA, 2017 - 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
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This implements the single image reconstruction using a Radon forward model.

from .base import ReconstructorBase
from ..operators import GradSynthesis, GradAnalysis, WaveletPywt

[docs]class TomoReconstructor(ReconstructorBase): """ This class implements the Single channel MR image Reconstruction. Notes ----- For the Analysis case, finds the solution for x of: ..math:: (1/2) * sum(||R x - y||^2_2, 1) + mu * H (W x) For the Synthesis case, finds the solution of: ..math:: (1/2) * sum(||R Wt alpha - y||^2_2, 1) + mu * H (alpha) Parameters ---------- data_op: object of class Radon2D, Radon3D located in etomo.operators Defines the Radon operator R in the above equation. linear_op: object, (optional, default None) Defines the linear sparsifying operator W. This must operate on x and have 2 functions, op(x) and adj_op(coeff) which implements the operator and adjoint operator. For high order TV, this can be object of class HOTV or HOTV_3D from etomo.operators . If None, sym8 wavelet with nb_scale=3 is chosen. regularizer_op: operator, (optional default None) Defines the regularization operator for the regularization function H. If None, the regularization chosen is Identity and the optimization turns to gradient descent. gradient_formulation: str between 'analysis' or 'synthesis', default 'synthesis' defines the formulation of the image model which defines the gradient. verbose: int, optional default 0 Verbosity levels 1 => Print basic debug information 5 => Print all initialization information 20 => Calculate cost at the end of each iteration. 30 => Print the debug information of operators if defined by class NOTE - High verbosity (>20) levels are computationally intensive. **kwargs : Extra keyword arguments for gradient initialization: Please refer to mri.operators.gradient.base for information regularizer_op: operator, (optional default None) Defines the regularization operator for the regularization function H. If None, the regularization chosen is Identity and the optimization turns to gradient descent. """ def __init__(self, data_op, linear_op=None, gradient_formulation="synthesis", verbose=0, **kwargs): # Ensure that we are not in multichannel config if linear_op is None: # TODO change nb_scales to max_nb_scale - 1 linear_op = WaveletPywt( wavelet_name="sym8", nb_scale=3, ) if gradient_formulation == 'analysis': grad_class = GradAnalysis elif gradient_formulation == 'synthesis': grad_class = GradSynthesis super().__init__( data_op=data_op, linear_op=linear_op, gradient_formulation=gradient_formulation, grad_class=grad_class, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, )