Source code for etomo.operators.radon.radon

Radon operator based on Astra Toolbox
import warnings
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
    import astra
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('astra not installed')

[docs]class RadonBase: """ Base class for all Radon operators """
[docs] def op(self, img): """ Computes Radon direct operator Parameters ---------- img: numpy.ndarray input image Returns ------- result: numpy.ndarray sinogram of img """ raise NotImplementedError('op not implemented')
[docs] def adj_op(self, x): """ Computes Radon adjoint operator on Radon space data x Parameters ---------- x: numpy.ndarray input sinogram Returns ------- result: numpy.ndarray back projection of x """ raise NotImplementedError('adj_op not implemented')
[docs]class Radon2D(RadonBase): """ Radon operator based on Astra Toolbox """ def __init__(self, angles, img_size, n_channels=1, normalized=True, gpu=False): """ Initializes operator Parameters ---------- angles: numpy.ndarray angles acquired (in degrees) img_size: int size of the images (only square images) normalized: bool, default True tells if the operator is normalized or not. n_channels: int, default 1 Number of images for multichannel reconstructions gpu: bool, default False use cuda implementation if True """ if not ASTRA_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError( 'astra-toolbox is not installed, this package must be ' + 'installed to use this class.' ) self.dtype = float self.n_coils = n_channels self.img_size = img_size self.shape = (img_size,) * 2 if self.n_coils != 1: self.shape = (self.n_coils,) + self.shape self.angles = angles self.normalized = normalized self.norm_const = np.sqrt(len(angles)) if normalized else 1. self.implementation = 'cuda' if gpu else 'line' # Astra projector self.proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel', 1.0, img_size, np.deg2rad(self.angles)) self.vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(img_size, img_size) self.proj_id = astra.create_projector(self.implementation, self.proj_geom, self.vol_geom)
[docs] def _op(self, img): """ Computes sino of single image """ return ( astra.create_sino(data=np.array(img), proj_id=self.proj_id)[1] / self.norm_const )
[docs] def op(self, img): """ Returns sinogram of img as a vector Parameters ---------- img: numpy.ndarray((nchannels,) img_size, img_size) input image Returns ------- sinogram: np.array((n_channels,) len(theta), img_size) sinogram of the image """ # Single channel if self.n_coils == 1: return self._op(img) # Multithreading for cpu multichannel elif self.implementation != 'cuda': return np.array(Parallel( n_jobs=4, backend='threading', verbose=False )( delayed(self._op) (img[i]) for i in np.arange(self.n_coils) )) # gpu multichannel else: return np.asarray([self._op(img[i]) for i in range( self.n_coils)])
[docs] def _adj_op(self, x): """ Computes backprojection of single set of coefficients """ return ( astra.creators.create_backprojection( data=np.array(x), proj_id=self.proj_id )[1] / self.norm_const )
[docs] def adj_op(self, x): """ Returns backprojection of a sinogram x Parameters ---------- x: numpy.ndarray((n_channels,) len(theta), img_size) sinogram Returns ------- img: numpy.ndarray((n_channels,) img_size, img_size) the backprojection """ # Single channel if self.n_coils == 1: return self._adj_op(x) # Multithreading for cpu multichannel elif self.implementation != 'cuda': return np.array(Parallel( n_jobs=4, backend='threading', verbose=False )( delayed(self._adj_op) (x[i]) for i in np.arange(self.n_coils) )) # gpu multichannel else: return np.asarray( [self._adj_op(x[i]) for i in range(self.n_coils)] )
[docs]class Radon3D(RadonBase): """ Radon operator based on Astra Toolbox """ def __init__(self, angles, img_size, nb_slices=None, n_channels=1, normalized=True): """ Initializes operator Parameters ---------- angles: numpy.ndarray angles acquired (in degrees) img_size: int size of the images (only square images) nb_slices: int, optional Number of slices. If None, assumes equal to img_size n_channels: int, default 1 Number of images for multichannel reconstructions normalized: bool, default True tells if the operator is normalized or not. """ if not ASTRA_AVAILABLE: raise ValueError( 'astra-toolbox is not installed, this package must be ' + 'installed to use this class.' ) if nb_slices is None: nb_slices = img_size self.n_coils = n_channels self.dtype = float self.img_size = img_size self.shape = (nb_slices, img_size, img_size) if self.n_coils != 1: self.shape = (self.n_coils,) + self.shape self.angles = angles self.normalized = normalized self.norm_const = np.sqrt(len(angles)) if normalized else 1. # Astra projector self.proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d', 1.0, 1.0, nb_slices, img_size, np.deg2rad(self.angles)) self.vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(img_size, img_size, nb_slices) self.sino = astra.create_sino3d_gpu self.back_projection = astra.creators.create_backprojection3d_gpu
[docs] def _op(self, img): """ Computes sino of a single image """ return self.sino(data=img, proj_geom=self.proj_geom, vol_geom=self.vol_geom)[1] / self.norm_const
[docs] def op(self, img): """ Returns sinogram of img as a vector Parameters ---------- img: numpy.ndarray((n_channels,) img_size, img_size, img_size) input image Returns ------- sinogram: numpy.ndarray((n_channels,) img_size, len(theta), img_size) sinogram of the image """ if self.n_coils == 1: return self._op(img) else: return np.asarray([self._op(img[i]) for i in range( self.n_coils)])
[docs] def _adj_op(self, x): """ Computes back projection of single set of coefficients """ return self.back_projection( data=x, proj_geom=self.proj_geom, vol_geom=self.vol_geom )[1] / self.norm_const
[docs] def adj_op(self, x): """ Returns backprojection of a sinogram x Parameters ---------- x: numpy.ndarray((n_channels,) img_size, len(theta), img_size) sinogram Returns ------- img: numpy.ndarray((n_channels,) img_size, img_size, img_size) the backprojection """ if self.n_coils == 1: return self._adj_op(x) else: return np.asarray( [self._adj_op(x[i]) for i in range(self.n_coils)] )